Call for Papers: Ancient Medicine and Biology Workshop

CURRENTLY CLOSED We are delighted to announce an Ancient Medicine and Biology Workshop for graduate students and ECRs, which will take place at Princeton University this spring (March 4-5, 2023). 

The workshop will feature keynotes by established scholars, interspersed with workshop sessions on pre-circulated papers of 15-30 pages, chosen by open call [see below]. Workshop sessions will open with comments by a discussant, followed by a brief response by the author of the paper, and then general discussion. 

To that end, we invite submissions of abstracts on any topic connected with medicine and biology in the Ancient Mediterranean world, broadly construed. We particularly encourage submissions that creatively engage questions of methodology, reception, transmission, and comparison; case studies in reception, comparative studies, or histories of transmission are warmly welcome, as is philosophical, literary, and historical work on medicine and biology—drawing on textual and/or material sources—in the ancient world.

Abstracts (due January 1, 2023) should be 500 words or fewer, not including bibliography and should be submitted blind. Please separately attach a cover page with your name, contact information, and a brief biography describing your research. If you would be interested in serving as a discussant for another paper, please do indicate that willingness in your submission email; note that we will endeavor to pair you according to the research interests outlined in your brief biography. These materials, as well as any questions or concerns, should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].

We can cover all accommodation and meal costs during the weekend and reimburse travel up to $100; if additional travel costs pose a difficulty, please do not hesitate to apply. In these cases, funding permitting, we hope to be able to offer additional support. For those for whom travel is not currently possible, hybrid options will be made available.

Confirmed participants thus far include: Mariska Leunissen (UNC Chapel Hill), Colin Webster (UC Davis), and Claire Bubb (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU). 

“Ancient Medicine and Biology” is co-sponsored by the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies.

Time of Year
Spring Semester
Application Deadline
Application Status