Graduate Student Workshop in Anthropology

Panteion University | Princeton University
June 2–4, 2023 – Athens, Greece



This three-day workshop will convene 8-10 graduate students in anthropology currently studying at Panteion University and Princeton University, along with faculty coordinators from the two universities. We seek to capture the spirit and the trajectories of novel anthropological inquiries in the twenty-first century, opening a collaborative space to think through our work in progress and to foster intellectual exchange and solidarity among professional anthropologists and students.


The opening session of the workshop will feature short presentations/comments by the faculty coordinators, followed by a series of 2-hour sessions devoted to discussion of each student’s work in progress. Pairs of students will share these sessions, and each will give a short presentation of their work to start off the discussion. Each student will have already submitted a draft piece of writing (e.g., dissertation chapter, journal article manuscript), circulated in advance to all workshop participants. These sessions will culminate in a roundtable session with the faculty coordinators and other anthropologists from Panteion University. Workshop sessions will be held at Panteion University and the Princeton Athens Center.


The following material should be combined into a single file and uploaded to the application form which can be found here.

  • a CV;
  • a 1-page statement of the applicant’s research trajectory and interests;
  • a short sample/excerpt (~10 pp) from the applicant’s work in progress and
  • contact information for a faculty advisor who may be contacted as a reference (no letter of recommendation is required with the initial application).

Application Deadline: February 15, 2023 (5 pm EDT).

Questions? Contact Chris Twiname, administrative coordinator.

Students will be notified of their selection by March 15. The selection committee includes the faculty coordinators from Panteion and Princeton and a representative from the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies.


Any student may apply who is:

  • enrolled in the Ph.D. program in anthropology at Panteion or Princeton (preference will be given to Ph.D. candidates who have already conducted dissertation research);
  • engaged in writing based on ethnographic research.


Students at Panteion and Princeton who are selected for the workshop may apply for funding to cover all or part of their travel and accommodation expenses. The funding application will comprise a short budget estimate and a statement as to whether the applicant plans to combine this workshop with other activities, as the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies will only cover expenses related to the workshop. Students will be given instructions on how to apply for funding when they are notified of their selection.

This program is a collaboration between the Department of Anthropology at Panteion University, the Department of Anthropology at Princeton University, and the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University.


Time of Year
Application Deadline
Application Status