Undergraduate Summer Fellowships
CURRENTLY OPEN Summer fellowships for research in Greece or the Hellenic Mediterranean.Undergraduate students whose work would benefit from travel and research in Greece, Cyprus, or other Mediterranean countries relevant to the study of Classical, Byzantine, or Modern Greece can apply for a summer fellowship.
Students may choose from among a wide range of opportunities, included but not limited to those offered by the Seeger Center. Examples of previous fellowships include: summer study programs in Greece, archaeological work, independent research and travel, modern Greek language courses, senior thesis-related work, creative projects in the arts, summer employment, internships, etc.
Princeton undergraduates from all departments are eligible to apply. Graduating seniors are normally not eligible for these fellowships. The Committee does not normally make more than two awards to the same individual within any four-year period.
Applicants must apply through S.A.F.E. If you have questions about the application procedure, please contact Chris Twiname.