Andre Laks
Visiting Fellow, Fall 2017
- AffiliationUniversidad Panamericana Research Project:Philology. An Inquiry into Theories and Practices
André Laks was taught at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, at the Sorbonne and at the University of Lille. He was professor of Greek and of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Lille (1983-90 and 1994-2007), at Princeton University (1990-1994), and at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (2007-2011). He has been Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin and member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Since his retirement in 2011, he has been teaching at the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico, D.F. His main publications include a book on Plato’s Laws (Médiation et coercition. Pour une lecture des ‘Lois de Platon, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2005) ; an edition of Diogenes of Apollonia (Diogène d’Apollonie. Edition des fragments et des témoignages , Academia Verlag, 2nd ed. 2008), a collection of essays on Aristotle, Plato, and Presocratic philosophy (Histoire, Doxographie, Vérité, Peeters, 2007) ; and (in collaboration with Glenn W. Most) an edition in 9 volumes of Early Greek Philosophy in the Loeb Collection, Harvard University Press, 2017 (also in French by Fayard). His 2005 Introduction à la ‘philosophie présocratique’ will appear in the fall 2017 in an English translation with the title The concept of Presocratic Philosophy at Princeton University.
About the Research Project
Philology. An Inquiry into Theories and Practices
<p>The research I shall pursue at Princeton is conceived as a triptych, consisting in 1. an intellectual biography bearing on the life and work of the late Jean Bollack (1923-2012); 2. A theoretical investigation bearing on the past history and actual status of philology and hermeneutics ; 3. an exegetical study bearing on the early Greek philosophy. These three questions are connected in more than one way. All of them stem from a long-life endeavour to practice classical philology with an eye on the multiple formal, hermeneutical and philosophical implications that are put to work in any act of interpretation, with special if not exclusive attention devoted to philosophical texts. The bottom-line and unifying question is that of the status of philological praxis after the various reshapings of the hermeneutical field stemming from philosophical, historical, linguistic and literary quarters.</p>