Andrew Griebeler

Hannah Seeger Davis Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-2023 to December 15, 2023

  • Degree
    Ph.D., Medieval Studies and History of Art, University of California, Berkeley, 2019
    The Critical Tradition of Byzantine Botanical Illustration in the Alphabetical Dioscorides
    Research Project
    Medusa Underground: Image, Myth and Nature in the Medieval Mediterranean
Contact Info

Andrew Griebeler studies the intersections of art, nature, and science in the medieval Mediterranean. He received a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies and Art History at the University of California, Berkeley (2019), and a BA in Art and Biology at the University of Puget Sound (2009). His dissertation research was supported by a Kress Foundation predoctoral fellowship at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (2014-2016), and a David E. Finley fellowship with the Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (2016-2019). He has since held postdoctoral fellowships with the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at USC (2019-2021), and Getty / ACLS (2022-2021). His first book, Botanical Icons: Critical Practices of Illustration in the Premodern Mediterranean, is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press.

About the Research Project

Medusa Underground: Image, Myth and Nature in the Medieval Mediterranean

Medusa Underground: An Occult Icon in Byzantium provides the first unifying treatment of the development of the Medusa image and myth from late antiquity into the Middle Ages. Applying critical insights from ecofeminism and feminist materialisms, Medusa Underground considers how a preeminently visible sign of warning from antiquity transformed into a largely hidden, occult device in Byzantium. The project examines the appearance of Medusa on a series of objects from the sixth to thirteenth centuries including monumental spolia, botanical manuscripts, a silver ink pot, and amulets against the wandering womb.


  • Botanical Icons: Critical Practices of Illustration in the Premodern Mediterranean
    The University of Chicago Press,

Previous Roles

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    2022 - 2024