Antonis Hadjikyriacou

Mary Seeger O’Boyle Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2013-2014

  • DegreePh.D., History, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2011
    Society and Economy on an Ottoman Island: Cyprus in the Eighteenth Century
    Research Project
    Insularity and Empire in Ottoman Cyprus: a ‘Miniature Continent’ in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Antonis Hadjikyriacou earned his doctoral degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London in 2011. The title of his thesis was “Society and Economy on an Ottoman island: Cyprus in the eighteenth century”, and his research was funded by a doctoral fellowship by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. He studied for his B.A. (Modern History and Political Science) at the University of Birmingham, and was awarded his M.A. with distinction from Birkbeck College, University of London (Contemporary History and Politics). His current research engages with the idea of insularity, and enquires into the role of insular space in the historical development of economic, social and political structures in Cyprus and the Ottoman Mediterranean at large.

About the Research Project

Insularity and Empire in Ottoman Cyprus: a ‘Miniature Continent’ in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Contributing to the quest for new analytical categories and conceptual tools in Mediterranean and Ottoman studies, the project examines the correlations between insular space and the development of economic, social and political structures in Cyprus during the early modern period. It utilises the conceptual tools of spatial history, and enquires into insularity as an analytical tool that goes beyond the traditional centre/periphery dichotomy. In doing so, it will expand the theoretical, methodological, and comparative scope of my doctoral research in order to revise the thesis for publication.


  • Χερσαιο Νησι: Η Μεσογειος και η Κυπρος στην Οθωμανικη Εποχη των Επαναστασεων
    Psifides Publications,

Previous Roles

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    2013 - 2014