Cédric Brélaz

Visiting Fellow

  • Concentration
    Greek History
    AffiliationUniversity of Strasbourg
    Research Project:
    Greek Political Mentalities Under Roman Imperial Rule

Cédric Brélaz (PhD University of Lausanne 2004, Dr. habil. École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 2013) is an Associate Professor of Ancient Greek History at the University of Strasbourg, France. He was a Member of the Swiss Institute in Rome, a Foreign Member of the French School of Archaeology at Athens and a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford. His research focuses on Greek political institutions and culture in the Hellenistic and Imperial periods, on Roman provincial administration in the Eastern Mediterranean and on Greek and Latin epigraphy. His publications include the books La sécurité publique en Asie Mineure sous le Principat. Institutions municipales et institutions impériales dans l’Orient romain (Basel, 2005) and Corpus des inscriptions grecques et latines de Philippes, II.1. La vie publique de la colonie romaine (Athens, 2014). He has co-edited volumes on public order in the Ancient world, on ancient Greek warfare and on Roman colonization in the East.

About the Research Project

Greek Political Mentalities Under Roman Imperial Rule

The aim of my research project is to focus on the changes in Greek political culture when Greeks lost their independence from the time of Augustus onwards. The book I plan to devote to the problem will use the evidence of the speeches of the orators and the inscriptions together in order to reassess both Greek political mentalities and Greek political practice in the Imperial period. The book will address five main issues, each of them analyzing one special aspect of the political relationship between Greek cities and Roman power: provincialization and the acceptance of Roman control; Greek political thought under Roman imperial rule; language contacts in the Greek-speaking provinces; Greek collective identities in the Roman Imperial period; and Greek self-government and imperial authoritarianism in the 3rd century AD. The study of the long-term evolution of Greek political culture from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD in relation to the rise of Roman rule is meant to be a contribution to our understanding of the future of the typically Greek pattern of the polis in the postclassical period. 


  • Civic Identity and Civic Participation in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages

    Edited by Cédric Brélaz and Els Rose

    Brepols ,

Previous Roles

  • Visiting Research Fellow
    2015 - 2015