Lilia Diamantopoulou

Visiting Fellow

  • AffiliationUniversity of Vienna
    Research Project:
    The Personal and Poetic Landscape of Mathios Paskalis (George Seferis): A Study on Ludic Poetry During Wartime

Lilia Diamantopoulou received her PhD in Comparative and Modern Greek Studies from the University of Munich and is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna. She was a member of LMU Excellence and a Visiting Professor at the Masaryk University in Brno and the University of Patras. In 2011 she was awarded with the Panagiotis Moullas prize of the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (MIET) for a study about a visual poem for King Otto I. by Neofytos Doukas. Her recent publications include a monograph about Greek Visual Poetry. From Antiquity to the Present (Griechische Visuelle Poesie. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Peter Lang, 2016) and a collective volume about Science deceived. Konstantinos Simonides (Die getäuschte Wissenschaft. Konstantinos Simonides, Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017). 

About the Research Project

The Personal and Poetic Landscape of Mathios Paskalis (George Seferis): A Study on Ludic Poetry During Wartime

Mathios Paskalis, " a man who died and did not die " (G. Seferis, Six nights on the Acropolis, 1974: 21) is a pseudonym of George Seferis inspired by the French film version of The late Mattia Pascal [Il fu Mattia Pascal, 1904] by Luigi Pirandello. Pirandello’s Pascal gets a second chance after his alleged death to start a new life, in a new place, under the guise of a new name. Seferis used this name – among others, like Stratis Thalassinos - abundandly during his time in exile (1941-1944), where he was part of the entourage of the Greek government in Crete, Egypt, South Africa and Italy. What kind of texts decides Seferis to subscribe with the pseudonym " Mathios Paskalis " ? What is the role of pseudonyms and authorial mystification during wartime (and exile)? What status has ludic poetry in that context and how will the group of the British so-called " Cairo-poets " and their periodical Personal Landscape (1942-1945) form the literary expression of Greeks in exile (like George Seferis or Elie Papadimitriou)? These and other questions will be the subject of my proposed research.

Previous Roles

  • Visiting Research Fellow
    2017 - 2017