The Program in Hellenic Studies offers a broad range of graduate seminars in Hellenic studies that are complemented by graduate courses in several departments and programs, with opportunities for doctoral research on Byzantine or modern Greek civilization. Currently the program offers jointly with the Department of Classics a graduate certificate in the Program in Classical and Hellenic Studies.
Many graduate students are currently supported by or otherwise affiliated with the Program in Hellenic Studies.
Graduate students in the humanities and social sciences —other than classics — who wish to pursue their interests in Byzantine or modern Greek studies at Princeton must be enrolled in and satisfy all the requirements of an academic department such as anthropology, architecture, art and archaeology, comparative literature, history, music, Near Eastern studies, philosophy, politics, religion, sociology, or the School of Public and International Affairs. With the approval of their home department, and under the supervision of a committee that may include Hellenic studies faculty, graduate students may write a dissertation on a Byzantine or a modern Greek topic. Their Ph.D. is awarded in the discipline of their home department.
Students in the Department of Classics are eligible for the Classical and Hellenic Studies program of study.
Princeton graduate students are welcome to participate in the courses, activities, and intellectual life of the Program in Hellenic Studies.