Spring 2025

Elementary Modern Greek II
Subject associations
HLS 102 / MOG 102
Advanced Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 107 / MOG 107
Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy (EC)
Subject associations
PHI 205 / CLA 205 / HLS 208
The Greek World in the Hellenistic Age (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 217 / HIS 217 / HLS 217
The Worlds of the Middle Ages (LA)
Subject associations
MED 227 / HUM 227 / HIS 227 / HLS 227
Art and Power in the Middle Ages (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 228 / HLS 228 / MED 228 / HUM 228
Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine: Bodies, Physicians, and Patients (EM or HA)
Subject associations
CLA 231 / HLS 231 / GHP 331 / HIS 231
Jesus: How Christianity Began (EC)
Subject associations
REL 252 / CLA 252 / HLS 252
Reading Ancient Trauma: Suffering and Memory in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean (EM or HA)
Subject associations
CLA 311 / HLS 374 / HUM 308
Topics in Ancient History: The Fall of the Roman Republic (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 326 / HIS 326 / HLS 373 / HUM 324
The Roman East and the Silk Roads (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 347 / NES 359 / HLS 377
Archaeological Methods and Theory (EC)
Subject associations
ART 401 / HLS 411
Hellenism: A Novel Story (CD or LA)
Subject associations
HLS 409 / CLA 409 / HUM 401 / MED 409
Law After Rome (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 437 / HUM 437 / HLS 437 / MED 437


Freshman Seminars

Unmaking Nation Making (CD or SA)
Subject associations
FRS 133
Power and Morality in Greek Literature (EM or LA)
Subject associations
FRS 166


Course Of Interest

Europe in the World: From 1776 to the Present Day (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 212 / EPS 212

Fall 2024

Elementary Modern Greek I
Subject associations
HLS 101 / MOG 101
Intermediate Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 105 / MOG 105
What is a Classic? (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CLA 203 / COM 217 / HLS 201 / TRA 203
Classical Mythology (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 212 / HUM 212 / GSS 212 / HLS 212
Hellenism: The First 3000 Years (CD or LA)
Subject associations
HLS 222 / HIS 222 / CLA 223
The Mediterranean: From Rome to Fortress Europe (CD or HA)
Subject associations
HIS 225 / HLS 224
Modern Eastern Europe, 19th to 20th Centuries (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 240 / RES 302 / HLS 309 / EPS 240
Music in the Mediterranean (LA)
Subject associations
MUS 243 / HLS 246 / AFS 243 / NES 243
Psychological Anthropology (EC)
Subject associations
ANT 305 / HLS 305
On the Road with Paul of Tarsus: Travel in the Roman Mediterranean (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 314 / HLS 372 / REL 315 / HUM 310
Topics in Ancient History: Athenian Democracy and Its Critics (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 326 / HIS 326 / HLS 373 / HUM 324
Byzantine Art (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 335 / HLS 336 / MED 335
The Formation of the Christian West (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 343 / CLA 343 / HLS 343 / MED 343
Drawing Archaeology (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 407 / CLA 407 / VIS 408 / HLS 408
Historical Structures: Ancient Architecture's Materials, Construction and Engineering (HA or SEN)
Subject associations
HUM 417 / ART 408 / CEE 415 / HLS 417
Seminar. Medieval Art: Genesis: Cosmos and Ethos in Late Antique Art (EM or LA)
Subject associations
ART 430 / MED 430 / HLS 430


Courses Of Interest

Thinking Translation: Language Transfer and Cultural Communication (LA)
Subject associations
TRA 200 / COM 209 / HUM 209
Near Eastern Humanities I: From Antiquity to Islam (EM)
Subject associations
HUM 247 / NES 247
Landmarks of European Identity (HA)
Subject associations
EPS 302 / ECS 302
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 369 / CHV 369
Economics of Europe (SA)
Subject associations
ECO 372 / EPS 342
Translation, Migration, Culture (SA)
Subject associations
TRA 400 / COM 409 / HUM 400
Refugees, Migrants and the Making of Contemporary Europe (CD or EM)
Subject associations
COM 466 / ENG 466 / ECS 466


Freshman Seminar


Spring 2024

Elementary Modern Greek II
Subject associations
HLS 102 / MOG 102
Advanced Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 107 / MOG 107
The Byzantine Empire (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 205 / MED 205 / HUM 204 / HLS 209
The World of Late Antiquity (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 210 / HLS 210 / CLA 202 / MED 210
Anthropology of Religion: The Afterlives of Religion (CD or SA)
Subject associations
ANT 217 / HLS 216 / REL 218
Living, Naturally: Organisms, Ecologies, and Norms in Greco-Roman Antiquity (EM or HA)
Subject associations
CLA 226 / ENV 226 / HLS 226
Art and Power in the Middle Ages (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 228 / HLS 228 / MED 228 / HUM 228
Women, Writing, Greece: From Sappho to Virginia Woolf and Beyond (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CLA 229 / COM 230 / GSS 234 / HLS 229
Identity and Globalization in the Ancient Mediterranean (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 235 / HLS 235
Creation Stories: Babylonian, Biblical and Greek Cosmogonies Compared (LA)
Subject associations
HUM 245 / CLA 246 / HLS 245
The New Testament and Christian Origins (HA)
Subject associations
REL 251 / HLS 251 / MED 251
Aristotle and His Successors (EC)
Subject associations
PHI 301 / HLS 302 / CLA 303
Classical Historians and Their Philosophies of History (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 324 / HIS 328 / HLS 322
The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1800 (HA)
Subject associations
NES 437 / HIS 337 / HLS 337
Topics in Ancient History: Dining and Food in the Roman World (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 326 / HIS 326 / HLS 373 / HUM 324
Restaging and Rewriting The Greeks (LA)
Subject associations
THR 376 / COM 385 / ENG 276 / HLS 385
Ethics in Archaeology (EM)
Subject associations
ART 402 / HUM 406 / MED 402 / HLS 401
Antioch through the Ages - Archaeology and History (LA)
Subject associations
ART 418 / HLS 418 / CLA 418 / PAW 418
Law After Rome (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 437 / HUM 437 / HLS 437


Freshman Seminars

The Art of Mourning: Funerary Art in the Ancient Mediterranean (HA or LA)
Subject associations
FRS 118
The Camera and Classical Art (CD or LA)
Subject associations
FRS 122
Modernity and Myth: Tradition and Transformation (CD or LA)
Subject associations
FRS 144


Fall 2023

Hellenism: The First 3000 Years (CD or LA)
Subject associations
HLS 222 / HIS 222 / CLA 223
Elementary Modern Greek I
Subject associations
HLS 101 / MOG 101
Intermediate Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 105 / MOG 105
What is a Classic? (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CLA 203 / COM 217 / HLS 201 / TRA 203
Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy (EC)
Subject associations
PHI 205 / CLA 205 / HLS 208
Classical Mythology (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 212 / HUM 212 / GSS 212 / HLS 212
The Mediterranean: From Rome to Fortress Europe (CD or HA)
Subject associations
HIS 225 / HLS 224
Political Theory, Athens to Augustine (EM)
Subject associations
POL 301 / CLA 301 / HLS 303 / PHI 353
Ancient Greek Religion (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 319 / REL 301 / HLS 308
The Formation of Christian Art (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 316 / HLS 316 / CLA 213
Greek Law and Legal Practice (EM)
Subject associations
CLA 330 / CHV 330 / HLS 340
The Formation of the Christian West (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 343 / CLA 343 / HLS 343 / MED 343
The Crusades (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 345 / HLS 345 / MED 345
Topics in Classical Thought: Dreams (EC)
Subject associations
CLA 338 / PHI 389 / HLS 368
Greek and Roman Portraits (LA)
Subject associations
ART 411 / CLA 413 / HLS 413
Ancient Greek Pottery (LA)
Subject associations
ART 412 / CLA 412 / HLS 407
Imperialism and Reform in the Middle East and the Balkans (HA)
Subject associations
NES 433 / HIS 433 / HLS 434


Courses Of Interest

Thinking Translation: Language Transfer and Cultural Communication (LA)
Subject associations
TRA 200 / COM 209 / HUM 209
Europe from Antiquity to 1700 (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 211
Approaches to European History (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 281 / ECS 304
Rethinking European Culture in the Present (HA)
Subject associations
ECS 301 / EPS 301
Bio/Ethics: Ancient and Modern (EM or HA)
Subject associations
HUM 315 / CLA 315 / GHP 325 / CHV 325
Music in the Global Middle Ages (LA)
Subject associations
MUS 338 / MED 338
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 369 / CHV 369
Economics of Europe (SA)
Subject associations
ECO 372 / EPS 342


Spring 2023

Intensive Introductory Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 103 / MOG 103
Advanced Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 107 / MOG 107
The Greek World in the Hellenistic Age (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 217 / HIS 217 / HLS 217
Art and Power in the Middle Ages (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 228 / HLS 228 / MED 228 / HUM 228
Rhetoric and Politics (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 232 / HLS 232 / POL 363
Traditions, Tales, and Tunes: Slavic and East European Folklore (LA)
Subject associations
COM 236 / SLA 236 / ANT 383 / HLS 236
Introduction to Post-Classical Greek from the Late Antique to the Byzantine Era (LA)
Subject associations
CLG 240 / HLS 240 / MED 240
Jesus: How Christianity Began (EC)
Subject associations
REL 252 / CLA 252 / HLS 252
Aristotle and His Successors (EC)
Subject associations
PHI 301 / HLS 302 / CLA 303
The Formation of Europe in the First Millennium (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 343 / CLA 343 / HLS 343 / MED 343
Being and Reading Sappho: Sapphic Traditions from Antiquity to the Present (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 357 / HUM 359 / GSS 355 / HLS 359
Modern Transformations of Classical Themes: Intermediality (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 334 / COM 334 / HLS 367
Rethinking Medieval Cultures (LA)
Subject associations
COM 362 / HLS 370 / MED 362
Introduction to Archaeology (EC)
Subject associations
ART 401 / HLS 405
Digging for the Past: Archaeology from Ancient Greece to Modern America (HA or LA)
Subject associations
HUM 412 / CLA 417 / HIS 475 / HLS 406
Empire and Catastrophe (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 428 / HLS 428 / MED 428
Siegecraft: Architecture, Warfare, and Media (LA)
Subject associations
ART 447 / HLS 445 / ARC 440
What Is (Modern) Greek Literature? (CD or LA)
Subject associations
COM 460 / ECS 460 / HLS 460


Courses Of Interest

Europe in the World: From 1776 to the Present Day (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 212 / EPS 212
Imagining the Mediterranean In Literature and Film: Itineraries Traditions Ordeals (CD or LA)
Subject associations
COM 322 / ECS 372 / ENG 282 / ITA 324


Fall 2022

Elementary Modern Greek I
Subject associations
HLS 101 / MOG 101
Intermediate Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 105 / MOG 105
What is a Classic? (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CLA 203 / COM 217 / HLS 201 / TRA 203
The Byzantine Empire (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 205 / MED 205 / HUM 204 / HLS 209
Classical Mythology (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 212 / HUM 212 / GSS 212 / HLS 212
The Worlds of the Middle Ages (LA)
Subject associations
MED 227 / HUM 227 / HIS 227 / HLS 227
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Their Emergence in Antiquity (EM or HA)
Subject associations
REL 244 / NES 244 / MED 246 / HLS 241
The New Testament and Christian Origins (HA)
Subject associations
REL 251 / HLS 251 / MED 251
Modern Eastern Europe, 19th to 20th Centuries (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 301 / RES 302 / HLS 309
Psychological Anthropology (EC)
Subject associations
ANT 305 / HLS 305
Topics in Ancient History: Athenian Democracy and Its Critics (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 326 / HIS 326 / HLS 373 / HUM 324
Byzantine Art (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 335 / HLS 336 / MED 335
Greek Ethical Theory (EM)
Subject associations
PHI 335 / CHV 335 / HLS 338
On the Edge of Authoritarianism: Literature and Politics in the Modern Mediterranean (SA)
Subject associations
COM 376 / HLS 376 / HIS 320 / NES 360
Ethics in Archaeology (EM)
Subject associations
ART 402 / HUM 406 / MED 402 / HLS 401
Historical Structures: Ancient Architecture's Materials, Construction and Engineering (HA or SEN)
Subject associations
HUM 417 / ART 408 / CEE 415 / HLS 417
Seminar. Medieval Art: The Icon (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 430 / MED 430 / HLS 430
Imperialism and Reform in the Middle East and the Balkans (HA)
Subject associations
NES 433 / HIS 433 / HLS 434


Courses Of Interest

Europe from Antiquity to 1700 (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 211
Landmarks of European Identity (HA)
Subject associations
EPS 302 / ECS 302


Spring 2022

Elementary Modern Greek II
Subject associations
HLS 102 / MOG 102
Advanced Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 107 / MOG 107
Greek Art and Archaeology (HA)
Subject associations
ART 202 / HLS 202 / CLA 200
Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (EC)
Subject associations
PHI 205 / CLA 205 / HLS 208
The World of Late Antiquity (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 210 / HLS 210 / CLA 202 / MED 210
Art and Power in the Middle Ages (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 228 / HLS 228 / MED 228 / HUM 228
Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine: Bodies, Physicians, and Patients (EM or HA)
Subject associations
CLA 231 / HLS 231 / GHP 331 / HIS 231
Rhetoric, A User's Guide (From Ancient Greece to the American Present) (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CHV 247 / CLA 257 / AAS 246 / HLS 247
Jesus: How Christianity Began (EC)
Subject associations
REL 252 / CLA 252 / HLS 252
Christianity and Classical Culture (EM or HA)
Subject associations
CLA 260 / HLS 260 / COM 252 / HUM 261 / REL 245
Hellenistic Art (LA)
Subject associations
ART 307 / HLS 307 / CLA 307
Global Trade before the Modern Period (HA)
Subject associations
NES 316 / HIS 311 / HLS 371
Kings and Tyrants: Greece and the Near East, ca. 1000-450 BCE (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 318 / HUM 318 / NES 318 / HLS 342
Sensory Spaces, Tactile Objects: The Senses in Art And Architecture (LA)
Subject associations
ART 403 / NES 403 / ARC 402 / HLS 404
Fertile Bodies: A Cultural History of Reproduction from Antiquity to the Enlightenment (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 491 / GSS 491 / HUM 491 / HLS 491


Courses of Interest

Europe in the World: From 1776 to the Present Day (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 212 / EPS 212
The Foundations of Civilization: the Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Middle East (LA)
Subject associations
ART 296 / CLA 296 / NES 296
Imagining the Mediterranean In Literature and Film: Itineraries Traditions Ordeals (CD or LA)
Subject associations
COM 322 / ECS 372 / ENG 282 / ITA 324
European Intellectual History in the Twentieth Century (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 369 / CHV 369
Introduction to Archaeology (EC)
Subject associations
ART 401
The Politics of Higher Education: Competing Visions of the University (SA)
Subject associations
POL 491 / CLA 491 / HUM 490


Fall 2021

Elementary Modern Greek I
Subject associations
HLS 101 / MOG 101
Intermediate Modern Greek
Subject associations
HLS 105 / MOG 105
Archaeology as History (HA)
Subject associations
FRS 165
The Lives of Early Christian Women (CD or HA)
Subject associations
FRS 171
What is a Classic? (CD or LA)
Subject associations
CLA 203 / COM 217 / HLS 201 / TRA 203
Greek Architecture (HA)
Subject associations
ART 207 / HLS 207 / CLA 207 / ARC 211
Classical Mythology (LA)
Subject associations
CLA 212 / HUM 212 / GSS 212 / HLS 212
The New Testament and Christian Origins (HA)
Subject associations
REL 251 / HLS 251 / MED 251
Political Theory, Athens to Augustine (EM)
Subject associations
POL 301 / CLA 301 / HLS 303
The Formation of Christian Art (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 316 / HLS 316 / CLA 213
Seminar. Medieval Art: Hagia Sophia: The Politics of Built Space (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 430 / MED 430 / HLS 430
Imperialism and Reform in the Middle East and the Balkans (HA)
Subject associations
NES 433 / HIS 433 / HLS 434


Courses Of Interest

Thinking Translation: Language Transfer and Cultural Communication (LA)
Subject associations
TRA 200 / COM 209 / HUM 209
Archaic and Classical Greece (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 216 / HIS 216
Arts of the Medieval Book (HA)
Subject associations
ART 311 / MED 311 / HUM 311
Economics of Europe (SA)
Subject associations
ECO 372 / EPS 342
Translation, Migration, Culture (SA)
Subject associations
TRA 400 / COM 409 / HUM 400
The History of Christianity in Africa: From St. Mark to Desmond Tutu (HA)
Subject associations
HIS 423 / AFS 424 / REL 423